Meet the Team

Suoma Andreas

Life Coach & Founder

Having founded TCS in 2015 after completing her Law studies, Suoma is a qualified & certified Life Coach & NLP Practitioner, with a focus on personal development and emotional intelligence. A wife & career-oriented woman, her primary services are coaching young women to grow both personally & professionally and giving premarital counseling courses. TCS has since grown and has onboarded two more professionals; a marriage counselor and social worker to cater to diverse clients. 

Lusia Shitaleni

Life Coach & Social Worker

Lusia is a Neuro- Linguistic Programming practitioner ( NLP). Certified Counselor and a Social Worker in training with a particular gift for working with young people. She does Counselling for teenagers, adults of all age groups, children with behavioral problems, and personal life coaching and psychometric assessments.

Lusia Shitaleni

Life Coach & Social Worker

Lusia is a Neuro- Linguistic Programming practitioner ( NLP). Certified Counselor and a Social Worker in training with a particular gift for working with young people. She does Counselling for teenagers, adults of all age groups, children with behavioral problems, and personal life coaching and psychometric assessments.

Agnes Nyirenda​

Communication Professional & Marriage Counselor

A wife of many years & mother of three, Agnes is a communication professional and aspiring life coach. Her primary services include conflict management,  counseling, couples therapy, personal coaching, pre-marital counseling, psychometric assessments & marriage counselling.